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مرحباً بكم فى موقع كلية الزراعة جامعة القاهرة

نتائج الطلاب لعام 2015 

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The FA strives during the next decade to be one of the distiguished and regionally accredited academic institutions as regards education, scientific research and community development in the fields of agriculture and life sciences to face the present and future challenges of sustainable development.



Within the framework of CU mission, the FA is committed to provide graduates capable of competing nationally and regionally in the fields of agriculture and life sciences through offering distiguished programs, activities, and services for learning, scientific research, and community and environment development.


Strategic Objectives

1. Improving the structure, functions and characteristics of the Faculty staff, the supporting staff, and the administrative staff.

2. Improving the work environment in the various administrations and departments of the Faculty.

3. Providing distinguished study programs for the undergraduate and postgraduate levels that meet the needs of the national and regional labour market in light of contemporary global trends.

4. Developing the capabilities of Faculty staff and the supporting staff in teaching skills and education systems.

5. Developing the educational environment in the Faculty

6. Developing distinguished research staff and teams in line with modern technological developments to confront contemporary problems and challenges nationally and regionally.

7. Developing the infrastructure of scientific research in the Faculty.

8. Expanding the scope of benefiting from the Faculty's activities and services to include the outside community.

9. Developing networking mechanisms with the concerned authorities in the field of community service and environmental development.

News For Student

Faculty News

News for Staff Members



The FA strives during the next decade to be one of the distiguished and regionally accredited academic institutions as regards education, scientific research and community development in the fields of agriculture and life sciences to face the present and future challenges of sustainable development.


Within the framework of CU mission, the FA is committed to provide graduates capable of competing nationally and regionally in the fields of agriculture and life sciences through offering distiguished programs, activities, and services for learning, scientific research, and community and environment development.