التواصل الأجتماعى

Professional Master Program in English

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)


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Professional Master Program in English

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)


SustainableAgriculture Intensification (SAI)

Under the auspices of the dean of the Faculty of agriculture- Cairo University, Professor Amr Mostafa,and within the framework of the DeVilag project, the faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University announces that registration forthe professional master degree "Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (SAI) European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)"will begin on the 6thof September 2020 till the 30thofSeptember 2020.  The program is one of the most important outputs from the DeVilag project funded by Erasmus+ for the development of higher education.

The aim of this program is to enable students to gain advanced knowledge, competences and necessary skills in the field of sustainable development of agricultural systems, as well as skills to develop and manage sustainable agricultural production systems. Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (SAI) is a concept that challenges current global agricultural approaches to achieve a doubling in world food production while sustaining the environment in which we live, both on the short and long term.

This Master’s degree in Sustainable Agriculture Intensification will be awarded upon completion of the course.The normal duration of the program is two years,thus four semesters and 120 ECTS credits are required to earn this degree. With the aim of strengthening this global approach to sustainability, the students should study 17 modules over two years (24 months full time) or three years (36 months part time). There are 8 compulsory modules spread over the first and second semesters and 5 compulsory modules plus 4 elective modules over the third and fourth semesters.

Different departments from the faculty of agriculture are involved in the teaching of these courses. The latest equipment, in the various disciplines, will be used to teach the practical courses.


Kindly be informed of the following:

- The professional master program (SAI) is accredited by the Cairo University Council.
- The degree is granted by Cairo University.
- Courses will be taught in English.

-          All professional master program courses are reviewed from External European reviewers.


For more information, please contact program coordinators:

Prof. / Ashraf El Arnaouty

Prof. / Sameh Abdel-Fattah

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تسعى كلية الزراعة جامعة القاهرة إلى أن تصبح، خلال العقد القادم، من بين المؤسسات الأكاديمية المتميزة والمعترف بها على المستوى الإقليمي في التعليم، والبحث العلمي، وتنمية المجتمع، في مجالات الزراعة وعلوم الحياة، لمواجهة التحديات الحالية والمستقبلية للتنمية المستدامة.

رسالة الكلية 

في إطار رسالة جامعة القاهرة تسعى كلية الزراعة لإعداد خريجين قادرين على المنافسة محلياً وإقليمياً فى مجالات الزراعة وعلوم الحياة، من خلال تقديم برامج وأنشطة وخدمات متميزة في التعليم، والبحث العلمي، وخدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة.

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