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Faculty History

The Faculty was established in 1889 during the reign of Khedive Tawfiq. It was located in Giza Palace, which is the same location as the current Faculty. Study continued there until 1911, when it was transformed into a higher school granting its graduates a higher diploma in agriculture. The first Egyptian superintendent (manager) of it was Mr. Abdel Hamid Fathy (Class 1893), after five British deans had taken over its deanship. In 1935, the school joined the Egyptian University as the first Faculty of Agriculture in Egypt and in the Middle East as a whole. Its dean was Professor Mahmoud Tawfiq Al-Hefnawy until 1941. Since that time, the Faculty has been awarding a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences. Since its establishment, the Faculty has graduated more than 36000 graduates over a century. The total number of undergraduate students for the 2010 academic year was 3534 students, in addition to 1861 students enrolled in the open education program.

Postgraduate studies began in the Departments of the Faculty in 1943. The first doctoral degree awarded by the Faculty was in 1945. After that, Master’s and Doctorate degrees were awarded in the Faculty until the number of master’s degrees reached about 3836 and the number of doctorate degrees 2471, until 2010.

The total number of students registered for the 2010 Academic year was 1427 students (855 master's degree students, 572 doctoral students, 9 professional master's students). A large number of celbrities who excelled in the fields of scientific research, literature, art, politics and sports have graduated from the Faculty, including, for example, the late Engineer / Sayed Marei, class of 1937 (former Speaker of the Parliament), Prof. Youssef Wali, class of 1951 (Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture), Prof. Kamal Al-Ganzouri, Class of 1957 (Prime Minister), Prof. Kamal Ramzi Esteno (former Deputy Prime Minister) , Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Class of 1971 (Ruler of Sharjah and member of the Supreme Federal Council of the United Arab Emirates), and Engineer Mahmoud Al Zoghbi (class of 1963) the former Prime Minister of Syria. 25 graduates of the Faculty held the position of Minister for 75 years, as well as 17 Governors, and 2 Presidents of Cairo University, namely, Prof. Mohamed Naguib Hashad (Class of 1933) and Prof. Naguib Al-Hilali Gohar (Class of 1964). Amaong the famous scientists and writers is Prof. Ahmed Mostageer, (Class of 1954) a member of the Al-Khalideen Complex, and Eng. Morsy Atallah - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Al-Ahram Foundation. Among the art celebrities graduates of the Faculty are Adel Emam, Salah Al-Saadani, Al-Muntasir Billah, Hussein Shaaban and the artist Mohsena Tawfik.



The FA strives during the next decade to be one of the distiguished and regionally accredited academic institutions as regards education, scientific research and community development in the fields of agriculture and life sciences to face the present and future challenges of sustainable development.


Within the framework of CU mission, the FA is committed to provide graduates capable of competing nationally and regionally in the fields of agriculture and life sciences through offering distiguished programs, activities, and services for learning, scientific research, and community and environment development.