SJ Univer - шаблон joomla Продвижение

Unit Activities

1. Reviewing and updating the vision, mission and strategic objectives periodically.

2. Following up the formation of the quality committees in the Departments and following up performance while giving the necessary support to carry out tasks.

3. Establishment of basic databases that include all activities related to the quality system.

4. Holding awareness campaigns, seminars, and periodic bulletins to spread the culture of quality at the level of the Faculty community, faculty members, students, and employees.

5. Holding specialized training courses in the field of quality system implementation mechanisms.

6. Preparing indicative forms to assist in the preparation of the requirements of the quality system.

7. Preparing and designing evaluation forms in all their forms and analyzing them.

8. Follow up of preparing descriptions and reports of study programs and courses.

9. Participating in preparing the annual reports of the Faculty.

10. Participation in the Faculty's plans to activate quality mechanisms.

11. Following up the performance of the Faculty sectors in the field of quality assurance.

12. Approving the formation of committees related to the application of quality standards and the follow-up of the implementation of their work.

13. Providing the Faculty Administration with an integrated vision on the basis of which decision-making and corrective measures are taken in the field of quality application.

14. Coordination and follow-up with the University's Quality Assurance Center and the management of development projects.



The FA strives during the next decade to be one of the distiguished and regionally accredited academic institutions as regards education, scientific research and community development in the fields of agriculture and life sciences to face the present and future challenges of sustainable development.


Within the framework of CU mission, the FA is committed to provide graduates capable of competing nationally and regionally in the fields of agriculture and life sciences through offering distiguished programs, activities, and services for learning, scientific research, and community and environment development.