SJ Univer - шаблон joomla Продвижение

How can a student participate in the desired activity?

A student wishing to participate in any activity must go to the Youth Welfare Department and meet the specialist supervising the committee whose activity the student would like to participate in. These are:

- Groups and Trips Committee

- Scouting and Public Services Committee

- The Sports Committee

- Social and Student Service Committee

- The Cultural Committee

- Scientific and Technological Committee

- Artistic Committee

Advantages of Practicing an Activity

1-1 Increasing acquaintance between students and faculty members.

1-2- Forming friendships with students of different departments, other years, Faculties and Universities.

1-3 - Optimum utilization of free time by practicing favorite hobbies.

1-4 - Developing talents and hobbies through specialized trainers.

1-5- Acquisition of new skills that help you face life circumstances.

1-6- Representing the Faculty in competitions and courses held all over the Republic.

1-7- Participation in the free trips organized by the Union in addition to the trips abroad.



The FA strives during the next decade to be one of the distiguished and regionally accredited academic institutions as regards education, scientific research and community development in the fields of agriculture and life sciences to face the present and future challenges of sustainable development.


Within the framework of CU mission, the FA is committed to provide graduates capable of competing nationally and regionally in the fields of agriculture and life sciences through offering distiguished programs, activities, and services for learning, scientific research, and community and environment development.