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Dean's Word                         

Dear Students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University

Happy New Academic Year

In the beginning of the new academic year, I am pleased to welcome you all to our prestigious Faculty. You are in the first Faculty of Agriculture in the entire Arab region. Over the years, its distinguished professors have contributed to the establishment of most of, if not all, the Faculties of Agriculture in Egypt and the Arab world with their knowledge and experience. So, belonging to this Faculty is a pride for all of us: professors, students and workers.

Graduates of the Faculty have always had and will continue to have, God willing, their creative contributions to the advancement of Egyptian agricultural and industrial production to meet local needs and to export agricultural products with a global reputation in support of the national economy and to preserve the country’s independence and pride. Graduates of the Faculty have always had clear positive participation in various branches of politics, culture, art and media.

Dear Students. The years of University study, especially in the Faculty of Agriculture, are among the best years of life. The brotherly relations and friendships that last over the years are consolidated in a beautiful family atmosphere through relations that grow and flourish over the days between students and their professors. The Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, includes many facilities. We hope that you will be able to benefit from them so that you can add, with your efforts and achievements, a history and renewed glories to this beloved Faculty, which combines academic and scientific work with continuous development and modernization in its educational programs that keep pace with the latest scientific developments while providing methods of student care so that it becomes a role model.

The Faculty provides you with multiple opportunities to express your cultural, artistic, sports and social talents through integrated programs of sponsorship of student activities to increase the rapprochement between students and Faculty members and to develop your abilities to communicate with others and gain experiences in various fields of life.

Your Faculty operates on the credit hour system, and it is one of the first Faculties that worked with this system. It is also one of the first Faculties at the level of Egyptian universities that obtained accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education on May 23, 2013. You may be proud to belong to an accredited educational institution whose graduates can compete in local and regional labor markets in the fields of agriculture and life sciences. Wish you excellence and success. God bless you.


Welcome as new members of our beloved Faculty's family

With my best wishes for success and good luck.

Prof. Amr Ahmed Mostafa

Faculty Dean




The FA strives during the next decade to be one of the distiguished and regionally accredited academic institutions as regards education, scientific research and community development in the fields of agriculture and life sciences to face the present and future challenges of sustainable development.


Within the framework of CU mission, the FA is committed to provide graduates capable of competing nationally and regionally in the fields of agriculture and life sciences through offering distiguished programs, activities, and services for learning, scientific research, and community and environment development.